The Pleasures of Profiling

(Back in 2003 I ran a moderately popular tech blog on the Radio UserLand platform. This is an archived version of a post from that blog. You can view an index of all the archived posts.)

21 April 2003


Prompted by Nick's post about Axion's insert performance and some internal product delivery schedules, I've been doing some profiling and tuning of Axion's performance (with some good results). I'm reminded of how much I truly enjoy this activity.

I can tell you don't believe me, so I took some notes and wrote up this brief account.

We use Axion at my day job as the embedded database within a family of desktop applications we sell at retail. Many of Axion's features were developed in support of these applications. Driven by retail sales, these products have a roughly annual release cycle. We're coming up on the delivery dates for the 2004 release, and so it's time to revisit some of the new features and functionality with an eye toward performance tuning.

In last year's product, roughly the Milestone 0 release of Axion, the primary index type was essentially a sorted array, held in memory and navigated by binary search. This simple strategy was and is quite fast: data can be served at tens of thousands rows per second on low end desktop hardware. In a simple test that executes a query over a 5,000 row database and reads back the first 10 rows in that result set, repeated 5,000 times (the test that is used throughout this profiling session), I obtain the following numbers:

Selecting indexed data only (for example, "SELECT val FROM foo WHERE val > ?", where foo.val is the indexed column):

  ~4,668.5 queries/second
 ~46,685.3 rows/second

Selecting both indexed and non-indexed data (for example, "SELECT val, val2 FROM foo WHERE val > ?", where foo.val is the indexed column, but foo.val2 is also read):

  ~2,146.8 queries/second
 ~21,468.4 rows/second

In exchange for this performance and simplicity, there are a few drawbacks to the array index: (1) initializing the database is relatively slow, since the entire index file must be read into memory on startup, (2) the entire index is held in memory at all times, and (3) as currently implemented, the array index must be re-written in its entirety when modified, making it inappropriate for read/write use.

In the past year, a BTree index type (see Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3: Sorting and Searching, pages 471-480) was added to Axion. The BTree data structure is more lazily loaded than the array index, and is more appropriate for mixed read/write operations.

While we've been using the BTree index type for a while (it's part of the Milestone 1 release of Axion) and it will likely be the primary index type used by our 2004 generation of products, we hadn't yet rigorously profiled or tuned its performance.

The initial profile

As above, we'll use a simple test case for profiling purposes. We'll use a 5,000 row table of pairs of relatively short strings, with a btree index on one of the columns:

CREATE TABLE mytable ( first VARCHAR2, second VARCHAR2 );
CREATE BTREE INDEX myindex ON mytable ( first );

Once populated, we'll execute a simple comparison query over this table, and read back the first 10 rows of each ResultSet:

PreparedStatement stmt = conn.createStatement("SELECT first, second FROM mytable WHERE first > ?");
for(int i=0;i<SELECT_COUNT;i++) {
  ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery();
  for(int j=0;j<ROW_COUNT &&;j++) {

The block above is timed, with a SELECT_COUNT of 5,000 and a ROW_COUNT of 10, for each of the profiling runs described below.

In the first pass, I found the following, disappointing, results:

     ~12.0 queries/second
    ~120.5 rows/second

This is roughly 1/200th the performance of the array index in the same test.

In order to figure out where the application is spending its time, I used the hprof tool that comes bundled with the JDK. The CPU SAMPLES profile (which takes many, many "snapshots" of the running program and counts the number of times the application is executing a given call stack, providing a rough approximation of where the application is spending its time) for this initial configuration looked like this:

rank   self  accum   count trace
   1 24.55% 24.55%   58855  3521
   2 24.30% 48.85%   58254  3527
   3 24.18% 73.03%   57966  3534
   4 23.82% 96.85%   57102  3524
   5  0.30% 97.16%     730  3535

Note that roughly 97% of the time is spent in the first four call trees, almost evenly split between them.

The first round of refactoring/tuning:

At a first glance, we see that 97% of our time is spent within the primitives package of commons-collections, but this is a little misleading. By inspection alone we can see that those methods aren't especially wasteful. I suspect it's not that this code is extremely expensive, but rather that we execute it often enough that small inefficiencies begin to add up.

Digging just a little deeper, we see that all four of those top call trees are executing the ObjectBTree.getAllFrom method, indeed, they all share the bottom four lines in the tree. The problematic section of the code looks like this (I've broken down line 686 for display here.):

public ListIterator getAllFrom(Object key)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ListIterator result = null;
    ArrayList its = new ArrayList();
    int i = findNearestKeyAbove(key);
    for ( ; i &lt; size() + 1; i++) {
        if (!isLeaf()) {
          its.add(getChild(i).getAllFrom(key)); // 683
        if (i &lt; size()) {
          its.add(                              // 686
                        .subList(i, i+1)
        } else {
    if (its.isEmpty()) {
        result = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.listIterator();
    } else {
        result = new ListIteratorChain(its);
    return result;

As we can see, the common line is doing several things:

  • It obtains a one element sublist of the IntList returned by getValues()
  • It obtains an IntListIterator from that sublist.
  • It adapts that IntListIterator to the ListIterator interface.
  • It adds that ListIterator to a List of ListIterators, which is used to populate a ListIteratorChain.

My first reaction is that creating the one element sublist is the expensive part, and that to remove it it may make sense to have ListIteratorChain maintain a heterogeneous list of ListIterators and Integers, to avoid all this wrapping and conversion. But that sounds like a fairly complicated change, and there are a number of problems here. Let's make a note of the single-element-sublist problem, and see what we can do about those other problems first.

First, consider the ListIteratorChain (which "chains" together a number of ListIterators into a single ListIterator). The interface to this class has been bothering me for a little while now. We construct a chain out of a List of ListIterators, but there's nothing in the directly in the implementation or the interface to enforce that. More than once I've run into problems of adding the wrong kind of element to that List, and when this happens, the problem is reported while walking the ListIteratorChain--far from the point where the problem was actually introduced. Let's first convert ListIterator chain to build up its own list internally by adding a addIterator(ListIterator) method and deprecating the ListIteratorChain(List) constructor.

Second, if you follow this code through, we see that ListIteratorChain is always iterating over Integer values (Row identifiers in our case). We can add more type-safety, and skip the IntListIterator-to-ListIterator conversion, as well as later Integer-to-int conversion, by changing ListIteratorChain to IntListIteratorChain.

After these changes, the ObjectBTree.getAllFrom method looks like this:

public IntListIterator getAllFrom(Object key)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    IntListIteratorChain result = new IntListIteratorChain();
    int i = findNearestKeyAbove(key);
    for ( ; i &lt; size() + 1; i++) {
        if (!isLeaf()) {
          result.addIterator(getChild(i).getAllFrom(key));                // 699
        if (i &lt; size()) {
          result.addIterator(getValues().subList(i, i+1).listIterator()); // 702
        } else {
    return result;

(Note that by constructing the ListIteratorChain via addIterator, we no longer need to create an empty iterator as we did in the old line 692. Instead, we can just rely upon an empty ListIteratorChain.).

With these changes in place, let's re-profile. Here's the performance test:

     ~44.5 queries/second
    ~445.4 rows/second

which shows a good improvement already (a factor 4 or so). Here's the hprof profile:

rank   self  accum   count trace
   1 32.53% 32.53%   63181  3521
   2 31.96% 64.50%   62073  3515
   3 31.77% 96.27%   61706  3518
   4  0.24% 96.50%     458  3565

We still spend roughly 97% of the time in the getAllFrom method, but now we're down to three calls instead of four.

The second round of refactoring/tuning:

You may have noticed that the getAllFrom method is recursive. At each recursive step, it creates an IntListIteratorChain, and when returned, it adds this chain to the "parent" chain. The result is a tree of IntListIteratorChains, looking like a single IntListIterator. If we create a private version of getAllFrom that accepts the IntListIteratorChain to add to, we can flatten this tree (much like a String generating method that accepts a StringBuffer to append to). For some reason I neglected to profile this change, I wonder how much of a difference it made in and of itself.

We also find that the vast majority of our time is still spent in that problematic line (now line 702) of ObjectBTree.getAllFrom, which reads:

chain.addIterator(getValues().subList(i, i + 1).listIterator());

As before, this creates an IntListIterator over a single element sublist and adds it to the IntListIteratorChain.

Looking at the surrounding code, one finds we do this several times, in both ObjectBTree and BTree. A simple refactoring can make this both cleaner and more efficient:

First, we add a version of IntListIteratorChain.addIterator that accepts a single int value, which we could naively stick in an ArrayIntList and obtain its ListIterator as a first pass. This removes a tricky bit of duplicated code, at the very least, and may actually be more performant that constructing the single-element sublist (I don't really know, I didn't profile that version.)

Second, let's introduce a new IntListIterator implementation to handle this special case of iterating over a single element list. The implementation is trivial, I'll just stick it in an inner class of IntListIteratorChain for now. (It may make sense to move it over to commons-collections eventually.)

Our getAllFrom method now reads:

private void getAllFrom(Object key, IntListIteratorChain chain)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    int i = findNearestKeyAbove(key);
    for (; i &lt; size() + 1; i++) {
        if (!isLeaf()) {
          getChild(i).getAllFrom(key,chain);     // 699
        if (i &lt; size()) {
          chain.addIterator(getValues().get(i)); // 702
        } else {

With those two changes implemented, let's profile again. Now we see an order of magnitude improvement in throughput:

~141.6 queries/second ~1,415.6 rows/second

Our CPU SAMPLES dump is looking cleaner as well, we're down to one major bottleneck trace:

rank   self  accum   count trace
   1 89.51% 89.51%   61188  3506
   2  0.67% 90.18%     460  3509

The third round of refactoring/tuning:

Looking closely at our ObjectBTree.getAllFrom method, we see that we're still creating a large number of single-element IntListIterators. We're also invoking ObjectBTree.isLeaf() within the inner loop, although that doesn't rank very highly in the CPU SAMPLES.

Conceptually, the getAllFrom method is really covering two cases:

  • When the current ObjectBTree node is a leaf, we need to add all of its value-nodes to the chain.
  • When the current ObjectBTree node is not a leaf, we still need to add all of its value-nodes to the chain, but this time interleaved with all of the "child" value-nodes.

It's the latter case, but not the former, that requires the creation of single-element IntListIterators, and a large number of calls to IntListIteratorChain.addIterator. Let's make those two cases explicit, and try to reduce the number of single-element IntListIterators. Then ObjectBTree.getAllFrom now reads:

private void getAllFrom(Object key, IntListIteratorChain chain)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    int start = findNearestKeyAbove(key);
    if(isLeaf()) {
    } else {
        for(int i = start; i &lt; size() + 1; i++) {
            if(i &lt; size()) {
            } else {

When profiled, we see another order of magnitude improvement:

  ~1,282.0 queries/second
 ~12,820.5 rows/second

and our CPU SAMPLES dump is no longer overwhelmed by a single method:

rank   self  accum   count
   1  6.29%  6.29%    3662  3578
   2  5.22% 11.51%    3044  3583
   3  4.85% 16.36%    2828  3581
   4  4.43% 20.79%    2579  3582
   5  4.15% 24.94%    2420  3603

Bumping up the number of queries executed to 50,000 which allows the BTree time to load all of the nodes into memory, gives performance comparable to the array index case:

  ~2,112.4 queries/second
 ~21,123.8 rows/second

While there are a number of other improvements that could be made (for one instance, we still create a large number of one element IntListIterators--any "empty" child nodes could be collapsed into a single IntListIterator; for another, we should be able to revise that loop a bit so that only one comparision of the loop index to size() is needed per iteration), and we're still not I/O bound (which is what we'd expect and perhaps hope for in this test), we've dramatically improved both the performance and the readability of this code. All in all, a productive couple of hours.

Wrapping Up

I didn't intend for this to be a tutorial, but it almost reads like one, so I guess I'll sum up the lessons here as I understand them:

  • Performance tuning is easier with well factored code, well covered by unit tests. If the code doesn't meet these criteria, address that first. (See the second rule of optimization.)
  • You can go a long way with simple tools. I've used more elaborate profiling tools, but hprof and System.currentTimeMillis are usually sufficient.
  • Be sure to use simple timings in addition to hprof-style profiling, to confirm that your changes are having a positive impact.
  • You often need to look deeper into the stack traces to find the true bottlenecks--the currently executing method as reported in the CPU SAMPLES summary isn't always the root cause of slowness.
  • It may not be necessary to corrupt the design or implement complicate optimizations. Concentrate on making the code clean and readable, and performance often comes along for free. (Use profiling to determine the parts of the code that should be cleanest and most readable. This will support more complicated optimizations should they prove necessary, and may be enough to make the code sufficiently fast.)

Finally, don't bother telling me I applied these optimizations out of order. Yes, the biggest improvement came with addressing what I initially believed to be the problem--reducing the number of single element IntListIterators created. Please revisit the title of this article. Much of the pleasure of this exercise was in cleaning up the surrounding code and infrastructure. My ongoing pleasure with working with this code base depends as much on that refactoring as it does on these optimizations.

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