Fixing CSS Resets

CSS reset frameworks often strip out all formatting. These CSS rules contain some re-resets:

/* I understand the theory behind replacing <i> and <b> with <em> and <strong>, but c'mon, really? */
i     { font-style: italic; }
b     { font-weight: bold; }
small { font-size: 80%; }

/* Make superscripts and subscripts actually do something: */
sup, sub { height: 0; line-height: 1; vertical-align: baseline; _vertical-align: bottom; position: relative; }
sup      {    bottom: 1ex; }
sub      {    top: .5ex; }

/* Mono-spaced types. */
pre, code, kbd, samp, tt { font-family: 'droid sans mono slashed', 'droid sans mono dotted', 'droid sans mono', monospace, monospace; }
Tagged css, html, web and design.


This page was generated at 4:16 PM on 26 Feb 2018.
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